"The A-Train Plays," a series of 7, 10-minute plays (including mine), is playing this weekend at the Augusta Curtis Cultural Center in Meriden, Connecticut.
Showtimes are Friday and Saturday night (12/01/06, 12/02/06) at 8:00pm, and Sunday night (12/03/06) at 6:00pm and all tickets are $15.00.
The address is:
175 E. Main St. Meriden, Connecticut
For more information, call:
(203) 314-0047
For reservations, call:
(203) 639-2856
Mapquest has pretty good directions for anyone interested in coming. I am most likely going on Saturday night, as I have friends coming from out of state. We are also going out afterwards to celebrate my 30th birthday as well as my being validated. Everyone is cordially invited to come, just remember to bring presents. (hee hee hee).
Hope to see you there!