Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Writing submission opportunity

Send all electronically by email to submissions@newmoon.com


Objectives of New Moon Girls: New Moon Girls portrays girls and women as powerful, active and in charge of their own lives – not as passive beings who are acted upon by others. New Moon Girls celebrates girls and their accomplishments—we support girls’ efforts to hold onto their voices, strengths and dreams as they move from being girls to becoming women. New Moon Girls is a tool for girls to use as they build resilience and resistance to destructive societal messages, moving confidently out into the world, pursuing their unique paths in life.

General Guidelines: All material should be pro-girl and focus on girls, women, or female issues. New Moon Girls was created by girls and women for girls who want their voices heard and their dreams taken seriously. It is edited by and for girls ages 8-12. New Moon Girls takes girls very seriously; the publication is structured to give girls real power. The final product is a collaboration of girls and adults. An editorial board of girls aged 8-12 makes final decisions on all material appearing in the magazine. Please read a copy of New Moon Girls to understand the style and philosophy of the magazine. Writers and artists who comprehend our goals and philosophy have the best chance of publication. Include your name, address and phone number on the title page of each submitted work or query.

(originally posted on www.freelancewritinggigs.com)

Good luck!

Lisa S-O


Tonia said...

Hi Lisa,

The girls real power link isn't working. I would love to look at the publication, would you please hook me up?

ACW said...

Lisa - This is slightly different than the pubs previous submission guidelines. I'll have to pick up a copy and look at what they're seeking. As I mentioned on FB, New Moon - I thought - used to only take submissions from girls who wrote, not adults. They may have expanded for a wider audience. Thanks for posting.

ACW said...

I "googled" the answer to my question. See below:

Articles should be between 300 and 1200 words. We will consider adult work for our Herstory, Women's Work, and Fiction sections. WE WILL NOT PUBLISH ADULT WORK IN ANY OTHER DEPARTMENTS.

Herstory: (600 words) Profiles girls, women, or events pertaining to them from history. Herstory articles have the best chance of acceptance if they fit with an editorial theme.

Women's Work: (600 words) Profiles a woman in her chosen career. Best chance of acceptance if it fits with an editorial theme.

Fiction (900 - 1600 words): Short stories in which the main character is a girl ages 8 to 12 and includes subject matter and a plot that empowers girls of this age. Keep in mind that New Moon Girls mission is to let girls tell the world who they are-it is not our mission to tell girls who they should be. Best chance of acceptance if it fits with an editorial theme.