Monday, April 18, 2011

Hayden Thesis to be Published

I'm excited to announce that after 35+ rejections from publishers and agents, an independent press in TN has offered me a contract for my memoir, Staying Alive: A Love Story. The publisher seems much more interested in the story than whether or not I have had at least 100,000 hits on Google - a criteria that came up more than a few times from the larger companies. You can read the opening chapter on my  (not-so-frequently visiited) website:  I'm told trade paperback, ebook, and audio should be out this year. Yay for small presses!


Ang said...


EBK said...

So happy for you Laura!

Brian Clements said...

Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! Congrats, Laura!

Laura B. Hayden said...

Great to hear from all three of you. Thank you.

E.K. Mortenson said...

Who shall you be allowing to play you in the film adaptation?

Well done! Huzzah!

Laura B. Hayden said...

EKM, you dreamer, you!
Talia Shire could work.

ACW said...

I am not surprised. This work deserved to be published...and its author recognized. Congratulations!

MJ said...

Congrats! Ah, the beauty/frustration of the publishing world~

Jane K. Cleland said...

Yippee! Yippee! Yippee!

Laura B. Hayden said...

Thank you Anne for your kind words And leave it to a poet to express the paradox of the publishing world, MJ! Jane, I love that you sound downright giddy :)

Gwen Jones said...

Congrats, Laura! So absolutely wonderful. And Brian? We expect Laura will be reading at the rez this summer. In the Big Room, too, that is!

amcannon said...

Great news Laura! It is a beautiful book, I'm gonna buy it for my mother when it comes out, perhaps I can get it signed by the author??

Jane K. Cleland said...

I am giddy! I'm thrilled for you and I'm thrilled for all the young widows -- how many did you say? -- 750,000+, right? who'll be touched by your story and helped by your insights. Congrats again.

Stefanie Botelho said...

I literally almost just screamed out, "Yea!!" at my desk when I read this. That's fantastic news, I'm so, so, so thrilled for you, Laura.

Laura B. Hayden said...

Thanks Stephanie. Em, Conor, and I are so pleased. Loved your poem in Sentence. Want to see more :)

Laura B. Hayden said...

And Gwen, This is even better than hearing from your friend TD.

Laura B. Hayden said...

Ann Marie. . . like you have to ask.

andrew alexander said...

How totally wonderful. Congratulations.

Laura B. Hayden said...

Once again, thanks to all of you special people for your supportive comments. Unfortunately my publisher returned my book rights, saying he was 'over his head" and had to drop me. I'm back to querying Similar experience in this link along with interesting info on self-ebook-publishing for those of you who might be interested. The publishing world is at a tipping point.