Monday, April 25, 2011

Hugo nomination for Nick Mamatas

Hi all,

As some of you may know, I have a day job editing Haikasoru, an imprint dedicated to publishing Japanese science fiction, fantasy, and horror in translation.

I'm very pleased that my work gained some serious attention: I have been nominated for a Hugo Award in the category of Best Editor, Long Form along with a number of the more prominent SF editors in New York.

For more information about the Hugos, you can read the FAQ.


Brian Clements said...

Congrats, Nick! And good luck...


David Holub said...

awesome Nick. Great to hear.

Holly Azevedo said...

Great news, Nick!

P.J. Moretti said...

Congrats, Nick. That's awesome!

RSamul said...

Great news, keep us updated.