Monday, August 08, 2011

Thanks for the Residency!

Congrats and thanks to everyone for a fine residency. Whether the recent grads who gave their time so generously, the new incoming students, or the folks in between, I greatly admire the quality of students and of people we have coming through the program. Thanks, too, to the two Dans (Pope and Rose) and all the other mentors who found time to enrich the residency week. Looking forward to seeing everyone again in January...!


Unknown said...

Thanks Brian, it was a great experience. I am eagerly awaiting the winter residency!

William Friskey said...

No...thank YOU. Definitely a great experience as usual. I'd rather have been there the whole week, but I made due. Only got in one workshop, but of course it was the best ever. Good luck everyone for the semester, especially my peeps in the thesis semester. Need anything, you know how to find me.

andrew alexander said...

With readers like Claudia, Ben Simon, and Brenda ( I just list our students here ) the residency is something that should not be missed, not in part, not by an hour--the readings were smooth, polished, sensitive--everything they should be. Thanks. Andy

Brian Thiem said...

Thanks for your hard work Brian and to everyone else who patiently help this fledging writer.

Claudine D'Angelo-Dotzman said...

You've done it again! Thank you for a wonderful residency. As an alumna it is great to know that there is someplace I can be two weeks a year where a writer is fully supported and accepted.

Next year in Danbury!