For more program information, visit
Monday, September 27, 2010
Opportunity to Meet with Tim O'Brien
If you are interested in meeting Tim O'Brien, let me know as soon as possible -- it is first come, first serve.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Happy Blogoversary to Me!
While I have learned a thing or two about blogging, my posts are all over the lot. Hence, the title, Odds, Ends, and Beginnings! Help me celebrate -- stop by and say hello. Tell me what you think? Is there a brand developing?
One Book, One Community 2010
Click on the title link for information, and take advantage of the many programs this forum provides. Events, including book discussions and film screenings, run throughout October 2010, culminating with a presentation by the author on October 26th on the WSCU midtown campus.
Sponsored by the Danbury Library, Danbury Public Schools and Western Connecticut State University.
If you’re in the area, take advantage of these programs and let others know about them!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Rectangle
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Battle Runes Anthology t publish my work
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Writer in Residence Positions, Fordham
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Haunted Legends, four years in the making

Just in time for the Halloween season, in simultaneous hardcover, trade paperback, and Kindle release. We have a great mix of veteran writers such as Pat Cadigan and Joe Lansdale, to new writers such as Carrie Laben and John Mantooth. Styles range from the classic horror tropes and tones of Ramsey Campbell to the experimentalism of Lily Hoang.
I've published or contributed to a lot of books over the years, but this is my first interaction with a Big Six publisher, so the book should be in stores all over the country. I hope some of you check it out.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Creative Nonfiction's MFA Program-Off
postmark deadline November 5, 2010
Win publication and bragging rights for your program!
Creative Nonfiction is looking for new work by MFA students for publication in an upcoming issue. The winner and four finalists will be invited to read during the 2011 AWP Conference in Washington, DC (February 2-5, 2011).
Submission Guidelines:
- All submissions must be typed, double-spaced, 3,000 words or fewer, and unpublished
- This is a blind read; author's name should appear on cover letter only; title must appear on every page
- No excerpts will be accepted--submission must be a single and complete piece
- Essays must be written by a student who is currently enrolled in an MFA program (in any genre)
- We will consider only one submission per person
Please send submissions, along with a cover letter that includes your name, university, total word count, and complete contact information (including email and phone number) to:
Creative Nonfiction
Attn: AWP Program-Off
5501 Walnut Street, Suite 202
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Thanks to Mark Sundeen for this listing! The MFA program has had a winner in the past -- please consider submitting.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Enrichment Project Proposals due Sept. 15th
Reading in NYC Tonight
I got my author's copy of the anthology and I have to say it is AWESOME--not really because I am in it, but because it has some of the most dynamic poetry in it that I have read in some time. Frankly, I am surprised to be included. If you are a poet (or love great writing) you should get a copy of this book. I do not make a thin dime from books sold (what else is new?), so this is unbiased praise for the anthology. Check it out. You can get it from or pick up a copy at the reading...
ISBN: 978-0-9799792-2-4
144 pages