Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Residency Hotel Info, Part II

We've gotten emails from several folks who have seen (or been quoted) lower rates for the Maron Hotel. That rate was most likely for a standard room, not a suite. All the rooms in the WestConn block are suites or king suites. The regular price for suites/king suites is quite a bit higher. You are certainly free to book a less expensive room if you'd like.

So.....if you'd like a suite for a discounted price, ask for one of the WestConn rooms.......if not, just ask for (or search on) a standard room. Don't forget, you always have the option to split a suite with a fellow student, which would bring your total stay down from $89 per night to $44.50 per night.


MJ said...

Hey Laurel, do they have suites with two doubles on the WestConn block?

MAP said...

i got a suite for 74 from checking out. The nonsuite rooms were 68 i believe