Tuesday, January 06, 2009

New Search Website for Submitting Work

This might be a useful tool for finding a place for your work.


Litmags.org uses a points system to attempt to separate magazines from one another and deliver more meaningful search results. Magazines are given a limited number of points to assign to various tags (i.e. short story, flash fiction, science-fiction, free-verse poetry). The more points a magazine assigns to a certain tag, the higher it will show up when someone searches for that term. In addition (and this is something I’m still perfecting) litmags.org offers a recommendation button. If you like a certain magazine, you may click on a button to recommend it. The site keeps a tally of the number of times each magazine has been recommended and displays it just below the mag’s name.

1 comment:

Aaliyah said...


Thanks. This will be useful.
