Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Two Stories, One Theme

Sometimes you revisit the same themes, settings, and ideas. Other times you apparently visit a place and time twice in the same instant. To wit, two stories of mine went live yesterday on two different online magazines thanks to the magic of awkward scheduling.

Over at Clarkesworld, my story of MIT students creating a Lovecraft emulator, Walking with a Ghost is live. (And for semiliterates, there's a podcast reading by Kate Baker).

Also launching yesterday was the first fiction issue of Innsmouth Free Press, which features stories and, oddly, hard news reporting from that mythical North Shore town. I wrote them a piece of flash fiction, a "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" redux called And Then, And Then, And Then...

So basically, I'm missing New England more than I thought I would. Or, at least, California isn't as sunny as I was told it would be!


Adam said...

Rock 'n roll, Nick. Keep the credits coming, man. You know what Hemingway said about Hollywood, right?

DLowe said...

Nice, Nick. I have only been able to read "And Then, And Then, And Then." I'll get to other one. You wrote a fishing story! Well, sorta. By the way, my Grandma P (P for Palma) ran the Oddfellows Home in Devils Lake, North Dakota for many years. It was my exotic childhood play place (I lived a rather unexotic raising.) Dug the story.
Not much sunshine out here in the Northeast either.

Stefanie Botelho said...

My best friend just moved to Cali, and she tells me they call it "June Gloom". Sucks, though.

Congratulations on the publications, besides the lies about the California sunshine. Bastards!