Monday, December 13, 2010

Review Opportunity

Book reviews are good ways to pick up publication credits. Here's a new venue run by an excellent young poet, Molly Gaudry:

If you happen to have a book review lying around, or if you find yourself suddenly inclined to write one, would you mind sending it to me for Cow Heavy's blog?

I want the blog component of our website to become a space for book reviews -- for anyone to send a book review (of course in the interest of generating more traffic to the site), and I want to launch the blog/reviews some time in January, with, like, 50 guest posts all at once. 

If you'd want to do more reviews than that in the future, of course we'd love it, but this favor is just to ask for one (or more) initial reviews that will help launch and establish Cow Heavy as a review venue. 

Hope you're well, and thanks if you can help us out!

Happy holidays!


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