Friday, August 27, 2010

I Dream My Brother Plays Baseball makes it into a university class

So I just got the coolest news. A friend teaches at Eastern Illinois University. He proposed a new class called "War Stories" and included my book, I Dream My Brother Plays Baseball, in the required reading. The class was approved. He will be teaching my book in unit 8. Hot damn! I have to thank Mary Ann Campbell for starting this...the high school where she teaches bought a class set and taught my book last school year (Love you MAC). Mary Ann invited me and had me to come in and give two readings and sit in on a class. I feel pretty darn happy abut this.


Gwen Jones said...

Darn happy - as you should be, Lisa. The book is current and edgy, and it here's to it turning out to be the go-to book on the Afghani experience. Congrats!

amcannon said...


Carolyn Baccaro said...

That's amazing, Lisa. Congratulations. I can't wait to read it. Bring some copies for us to buy at the next residency!