Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Miranda Literary Magazine for Internships & Enrichment

It was nice to spend the week with everyone. Thank you all for your time, creativity, and your friendship. Miranda Literary Magazine is a growing online source for fiction, poetry, essays, articles, books, reviews, podcasts, and visual art. As you consider your enrichment project or your internship, consider working with Miranda Literary Magazine, or Miranda Films, as part of your work. We can tailor our needs to fit your course outline. If you are looking for two hours a week as a course supplement, or an internship opportunity, we can make it work. Areas of interest include, web editing, marketing, public relations, content and slush pile editing, promotional materials, and more. Below are some of the projects we need help in. If they don't interest you in your direct coursework, tell us what does.

I mention the length or scope of the some of these projects because of time commitments. Some are very extensive, some are interactive.

  • Links Editor - developing links and networking with other websites. (course supplement)(Sorry Taken)
  • Editor's Blog Editor - further developing the editor's blog to make it more useful to promote the magazine and our contributors. (course supplement)
  • Miranda Films Blog Editor - managing content on the Miranda Films news and reviews. (course supplement)
  • Contributors Director - creating a master list of all the contributors to the magazine and a brief bio. (internship)
  • Public Relations Manager - creating an email list of all our contacts, and writing press releases, news, and articles. Also must plan the best way to deliver this content i.e. email, postcards, events (AWP in New York), ect. Acting spokes person for the magazine.(internship)
  • Reading Board Manager - get more out of our reading board, from recruitment to reading submissions. How do we make the reading board members feel important?(Enrichment)
  • Sectional managers - work in dedicated sections to help the fiction, poetry, or arts sections with the work load. (course supplement)
  • Podcasting Director - creating a plan for recording, producing, and publishing podcasts out to our readership. (course supplement)
  • International Development Director - create a plan for attracting writers and artists from all over the world, engaging translators, and other outlets to find work that we can present from other countries. (enrichment)
Please feel free to contact with any questions or ideas. Carmen Palmer is also very active in our project development and she is a good source of ideas and inspiration.


David Holub said...

The color-coded time commitment and scope breakdown made my color-blind eyes weep tears that all ran together into a colorless pool of sadness.
Just kidding!
I am color blind though but I can get my wife to help me out.

Thanks for the post, Ron.

RSamul said...

Sorry about that. I have updated it and I am currently paying off a fine from the ADA for not posting within the scope of the readership. Rookie mistake. RON

David Holub said...

You're one of the good ones, Ron.