Sunday, March 01, 2009

Go Figure

No one told me they pay you for this stuff. Suckers.

I managed somehow to get one of my shorts published in Crossed Genres. Next item on the agenda: figuring out how to spend my $10. I'm like a millionare now. Things I can buy:

40 Bud Lights at the Phoenix on Monday nights
100 anytime minutes on my cell phone
1000 pieces of penny gum, if they still make penny gum
9 Whopper Juniors at Burger King

If anyone else can help me think of how I can spend all my money, please help me out.

Oh yes, and if you have 20 minutes (that you will never, ever get back), you can check my story out by clicking this link.



Brian Clements said...

Congrats, Adam. Perhaps that $10 will buy you a little more confidence when you send out your next batch of stories.

Holly Azevedo said...

Congratulations, Adam! Paid is paid, and it can only get better from here --


DLowe said...

On a blank piece of paper you melded your imagination with your craft and created something of your own that strangers chose to print over the work of other strangers. You pulled off a cool thing and I dug the story.

DLowe said...

What to do with 10 dollars?
There's a lovely little Beaujolais that can sometimes be got for under 10 smackaroos.

George Duboeuf's Julianas 2004.
My notes:
Satin-shrouded in ripe banana/black raspberry jam; plucky tannins and an honest minerality reflecting the region's soil; more complex than you might expect. Drink now! Good with darn near anything. Year particular,

I've seen this for $15 and I've seen this for $9. I recently bought some at a steal for $7. Depends on the state. As a firm rule, NY/MA are far better states (price/selection) to buy wine in than CT. Snobby wine drinkers put their noses up at Beaujolais, preferring to pull gobs of money out of their suit pockets for over-graped California, Austalian and South American slush. They're committing a sin.

Adam said...

The way I figure it, if I publish 15-20 stories a day at this rate, I can eke out a decent living.

Maybe I can invest the $10 in a high-risk portfolio and in a few years I'll be able to buy $11 worth of confidence. The world is my oyster!

Don, you sound like you know a thing or two about wine.

ACW said...

Adam - You now have a clip for your growing portfolio...and the value of that will probably far exceed $10! Celebrate!

DLowe said...

Don, you sound like you know a thing or two about wine.

I practice hard.

NM said...

Good start! But here's how to get more than ten bucks for an afternoon's work:

Use Aim high by submitting to the highest-paying venues first, then work your way down as they reject.

Aaliyah said...


I'm still looking for a payday in writing, so my hat goes off to you! Keep at it and the $$$ will come.

RSamul said...

Great story...
The next one will start ... "I was feeling like a big spender when I walked into the dollar store with ten bucks. It was being held up by a guy with shovel."

Be well...

Adam said...

You guys are too kind. Really.

Ron, I would be like a king at the dollar store. People would tell my dollar-store tale for generations. That's like, 10 self-assembly paper airplanes, or 10 packs of pencils. I could get, like, 40 bouncy balls or mini coloring books. Unfortunately, I spent $30 buying copies of the magazine for my mother, who's crazy. I can't win.

And Nick, I'm just starting to become familiar with Duotrope, which is an excellent resource. It hit me to start with the higher-paying venues *after* I submitted this one.

Gwen Jones said...

I spent all that time reading your story and you don't even exist?? Who's the sucka here?!

(Congrats, btw!)


Fletcher Dean said...

Great story Adam. I like Ron's suggestions on the next story.

Or better yet, buy a couple of coffees at starbucks and keep writing.

Laura B. Hayden said...

Neat piece Adam. Worth every one of my twenty minutes.

Stefanie Botelho said...

Where is this Phoenix establishment, and when are we organizing an MFA field trip?

Congrats, King.

Adam said...

The Phoenix is a little place in Norwich that sells beer in plastic cups for a quarter on Mondays. They used to let you go up to the bar and buy 2 bucks worth so you could, hypothetically, sweep them all up and wobble back to your little table with your friends and drink them and pile the empties so high you have to stand on a chair to get the last one on, though, sadly, your goal was to reach the ceiling and you never made it. And you could leave The Phoenix because breakfast at 1 in the morning sounds like the best idea in the world and so you DWI to Fidelia's in the casino and order and barely get a sip of your coffee down before you're in the bathroom and throwing up in the urinal and all over your shoes, and then in the parking lot, and a friend takes you home and you pass out like Spok himself put you in the Vulcan Deathgrip, but not before throwing up in the little trashbin in your room that you forgot to put a bag in. Hypothetically.

It's a magical place.