Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Graduate Scholarships

If you are interested in applying for scholarships for next year, please go to the Financial Aid web site (linked from WestConn main page), download an application, complete it, and deliver it to Graduate studies now later than March 15--this is a delivery deadline, not a postmark deadline. Ignore the Feb. 13 deadline that is posted there.


Elizabeth Ferris said...

thank you! I called the financial aid office in tears (and got the cold shoulder) when I saw the deadline had passed, since i had called earlier to ask about it and no one had a clue. So, it can't be completed online? has to be downloaded, printed, and sent to what address??? Just the westconn address to the attn of grad studies?

Brian Clements said...

Lizzy, the instructions I received were to print and mail. Yes, Graduate Studies, WCSU, 181 White St., Danbury CT 06810.

Good luck!